Energy Independence Secrets

Solar Secrets: Energy Indpendence Secrets

5 Erosion Control Methods

by Marjorie Morales

When you are undergoing a project that disturbs the ground, you will want to ensure that you engage in erosion control practices that will prevent the dirt from washing away. If erosion is already occurring, you will want to do what you can to stop it. There is a range of erosion prevention methods that can be used to keep sediment from flowing away. 

1. Plant Vegetation

One of the most basic yet the most successful ways to prevent erosion is to plant vegetation. Planting vegetation is a great way to stop the loss of soil. When you plant vegetation, the roots from the vegetation will help hold the soil in place.

The vegetation will also impede the flow of water, as the water has to make its way through the vegetation. It helps to reduce runoff by anchoring the soil in place and by, over time, providing a physical barrier that water has to come in contact with before reaching the soil. The best plants to use for erosion control are native plants that grow in the area and have deep-rooted systems. Deep roots mean that the roots will go deeper into the soil, helping to further secure the soil in place. 

2. Add Mulch

Another option is to add mulch to the soil. You will want to cover the soil with a couple of inches of mulch. The mulch will help keep the soil in place and stop it from washing away. The mulch will help retain moisture and keep the soil temperature consistent. Putting down mulch can also help reduce erosion after you have planted new vegetation but before the vegetation has had much of a chance to grow. 

3. Plant Trees

If the erosion occurs somewhere where there used to be trees, but the trees were removed, adding back trees (a process known as reforestation) may be the way to go. When you plant trees, you are adding coverage to the ground. With their deep root system and their dense canopies, trees are one of the best ways to stop erosion. 

4. Plastic Sheeting

Another option is to put down plastic sheeting. You will use a range of plastic sheeting such as erosion control blankets, mats, and plastic covers to keep the soil in place. Plastic sheeting is generally used to keep soil in place while new vegetation is growing. It usually works best for smaller areas and isn't the most effective method for larger areas. 

5. Terraseeding

Another option is terraseeding. With terraseeding, you are putting down a soil mixture with seeds mixed in. It allows for different quality soil to be placed on top of the soil, and with the see mixed in, new vegetation can start to grow. 

It is important to control erosion. If you need help controlling erosion, talk to an erosion specialist to get the help you need. 


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Solar Secrets: Energy Indpendence Secrets

With energy costs increasing every year, many homeowners are considering conversions to solar energy for grid independence and cost savings. If you are one of them, you're in the right place. This site is dedicated to alternative energy sources, including solar panel conversions. You'll find posts here about all sorts of different ways to sustain your home's energy needs without the main electrical grid, and tips for maximizing your solar or alternative energy investment. We hope that the information here allows you to find the solar panels or energy source that's right for your home so that you can gain energy independence and save money over time.

